

この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
はじめまして。 アメリカ駐在中にツーソンショーや石拾いにハマり、石が好きになりました。その魅力を共有できたらうれしいです。







その中で家族連れで行けるアパッチティアーズが採れる場所に行ってみました。その名もApache tears trail。


情報収集が不十分だったと反省し、アパッチティアーズが採れる場所の写真をGoogle mapで調べた。すると、Apache tears trailではなく、Legends of Superior trailsの方が近道だったと判明。




Hi, I’m azrocks. Do you remenber your first rock hounding? Tosay I’d like to share my experience.
I lived in Arizona, a state of vast natural beauty with cacti and blocky rocks, and I often enjoyed trekking.
One day I had an idea to pick up rare rocks and searched internet for information about rare rocks in Arizona.
Arizana turned out to be really good state for rock hounding and there were variety of informations.
I visited one of the popular places for rockhounding apache tears with my family. The name of trial was Apache tears trail.
I could not reach the destination my first trial because river blocked the trail. Since I came all the way, I wandered around the river. I picked up whitish rock and thought it “chart?”.
Next time I searched the exact location with Google map, and it was found out that the best way to the destination was not “Apache tears trial” but “Legends of Superior trails”. Then I went with my kid and finally arrived there.
I have a lot of experiences for rockhounding but first time was hardest.
Left side is a picked up raw Apache tears and right side is a tumbled one. Apache tears is translusent black obsidian that allows you to see the sky through it. BTW kids can get small money by selling Apache tears to the rocks shops.

この記事を書いている人 - WRITER -
はじめまして。 アメリカ駐在中にツーソンショーや石拾いにハマり、石が好きになりました。その魅力を共有できたらうれしいです。

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